Sunday, November 1, 2009

Long before Abhishek Bachhan advised the nation to walk the talk, Surtis have been seriously trying to sweat out those last 5 kilos…err make that 15, at tracks around Tapi town suburbs while they talk. With winter setting in, here is the inside info on some of our busy walkways and the buzz within them.

Peace and pace-The serpentine road that leads to Panas village through the agricultural cotton field farm, is one well trodden by denizens who prefer solitude. Since it still is a road less traveled compared to the ones that surround it, walkers can pray and maintain their pace as they prod in peace. Popular with elders who chant their mantras and exchange musings. Walk here to overhear home remedies for minor ailments.

Frangipani fragrance-With a grove of pristine white Frangipani trees, the SwamiVivekanand garden at Jamunanagar has a fair share gathering of walkers from different age groups and all walks of life. This bacchey buddhey aur jawan hotspot has the friendly chatter of children, serenity of its yoga posers and spring in the steps of its serious striders who warm up and stretch out. Child raising issues and maid problems discussed here.

Oasis of joy-Kavi Kalapi garden, opposite the Adajan police station, is what mirages are made of. A huge pond in the centre, surrounded by date Palms with cropped greenery thrown in for good measure, not to mention the cooling Banyan trees that lead to its entrance. Within pyramid like porches, people medidate as a gang of laughter club members have hilarious sessions to de stress. Conversations here mostly begin with ‘kehvano meaning em chey ke’, as one gets free lessons on real estate prices.

Where Seagulls dare-Our bridges over Tapi are popular twilight zones for people who love to stroll facing the blissful breeze pre Sunrise and post Sunset. A feel good, promising beginning and end to the day, where migrating birds flap around the river that runs to meet the Arabian Sea. Serious ‘only lonely’ walkers stride the pavements, communicating on their cell phones about the day’s business, stocks and shares.

Socks/Saas and the city-The happening place to walk and know what’s on in town, catch up on episodes of missed serials, learn new recipes, gain weight loss tips, and know about babu log’s babudom.Jogger’s park opposite Green Avenue,off Ghodod,is extremely popular on the chatterbox front. Pace and phrase go hand in hand at this walkway .A place where Surtis see and be seen in their sporty best.

Gazing and grazing-Opposite Sahaj super store stands the Swami Vivekananda Udyaan.With SMC’s, best but out of use swimming pool on one side and a casual cricket ground on the other. This palm lined park is abuzz with Bengali and bilingual buzz.Middleaged men gaze out at young tarangs to crown flavour of the month garden queens, while overgrown grass is made useful as cattle graze.

Jungle mein mangal-The biggie.With roads stretching out non stop to 2.5 kms in circumference, the SVNIT campus offers an eco friendly ambience for Surtis who have been walking and talking over the past 20 years and more. Flora, fauna and fountains surround the roads within. Fireflies dance to the tunes of frogs, peacock and peahens coo out with koels.More than 6000 listed striders, jam packed parking space proof enough of its popularity. Visit to eavesdrop on student soirees and businessmen’s banter.

Tapi town tattle-Namono show turns Namo, no show.

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