Sunday, October 21, 2007


BINGE BIG BUCKS , BECOME BEAUTY FOOL------The happiest smile that I see my house- maid wear is when she goes for her monthly shopping trip to Chautapul –the old city market which for long has been the Mecca of fashion to provide knick knacks for all the’ sundaris of the surti sheris’.It is a place that offers her an innumerable choice of stuff that makes her look pretty. Of late, she has been tempted into buying saris and artificial mangalsutras,’ just like’ Komalika and Parvati!’. Love it or hate it, Indian soap addiction is here to stay. I wouldn’t be surprised if television’s queen bee Ekta kapoor launches an entire new range of products called ‘Tulsi Talcum’,Kasturi Kum Kum,Prerna Powder,KKKKKajal,etc. they would definitely find instant success in the by lanes of the ‘bai market. After all, beauty is big business.
Makes me realize, beauty is also big business in sub urban Surat .Here the loaded folk from Dumas,Citylight, Adajan and Nanpura spend moolah by visiting the beauty saloon for a facial that promises to have chocolate, gold, silver and diamond dust [maybe they use chawanprash-thoda khao, thoda lagao] both husband and wife can have endless services rendered to give them more confidence about the way they look. Amongst the plush interiors of the newly sprung up nineteen to the dozen parlors from Parle Point to Parvat Patia, one can share gossip and the latest fad getting one’s body polished in hope of turning into a new improved version of one’s former self. The deeper your pocket, the better our service’ is the new parlor motto. Pity though, that the results hardly ever show a difference from your previous photos. Beauty bills run into thousands whilst Surat vaasis lap up all new products available on the market brand wagon.
Immensely popular in the swish set elite of Surat these days are ‘beauty clinics’ that promise to manually and scientifically install or remove what God had not provided to you i.e. Smooth skin, hairy pates and tummy tucks are all made possible if you are willing to spend the bucks. The ‘beauty quacks ‘will help thou flaunt whichever part of thy body you want. Zap unwanted hair, make your skin fair, and create a beauty spot that wasn’t there! But, my dear, do take care. Trouble is treatments that go on forever and yet no changes are visible on God’s original endeavor.
Finally methinks, it’s the inner beauty of a woman\man that’s the name of the game coz my maids ‘post shopping glow’ can put the best facial to shame After all, she is the only one who can say the word ‘beautiphool ‘correctly..

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