Sunday, October 21, 2007

BABA?.........DARR, SHUN!……………

BABA?.........DARR, SHUN!……………
No, this is not in reference to our dearest sanju baba who was behind bars for his jawaani ka jurm.I talk about the new trend of our generation –baba bhakti.
Ever since the eternal shri Sai Baba became the favorite lord of us mortal beings, innumerable wannabe gurus started to work towards trying to turn themselves into spiritual leaders. Sai Baba miraculously cured and cared for his bhakts where as our so called baba bhais are looking out for people who can take care of their needs and cure their problems. While Shri Sai Baba is, was and will always remain the people’s Baba.Today’s so called ‘gurus’ want their followers to be the baba’s people.
As I waited exasperated at the signal of ring road, with its never ending traffic flow, I was deafened by the loud- speaker gibberish of a cracked up voice shouting something that ended with,’ baba ki jai!’ Oh look!’ said my aunt whom I was driving to the railway station’, there goes the procession of great shri [why twice I wonder?]guruji.’upon turning my face towards the by- lane from which the crackling sound traveled out, I was amazed to see the entire street jam packed with baba bhakts trying to push, stamp and shove their way to have a glimpse of him who sat looking extremely pleased ,alighted on a throne in the flower laden truck. He was throwing out packets of some stuff to the public, enjoying the attention as his truck waded through the sea of frenzied followers. He did not appear divine, nor sadly pleased [like all our gods do]’He is very popular ‘, continued my aunt,’ all the NRI’S also follow his pravachans.He is very pious, does not allow women to touch his feet even. ‘Angered at the last comment and the fact that my signal was still red, I silently let out expletives in my mind that would cause the bhakts to think sacrilege! After finally seeing my aunt off, I carefully took the long route home to avoid the on –going tamasha on the jai ho! route.
I wondered how important the episode of a chance baba darshan would have meant to his fans .Got me thinking to what it is that makes for such ardent following.
While our gods had to perform miracles, rise above the ordinary and elevate the level of health, wealth and happiness of an entire ‘yug’,today’s so called saints just need the gift of gab to have a supreme effect on the living on a prayer crowd. If you listen carefully the pravachans are about everything you already know in your religion. nothing they say is new other than the way they say it .our glowing with good health babas and ma’s do not have a halo, its just the right diet of ghee, fruits and no gello.our stress ridden lives leaves us looking for ‘the one ‘who will make us feel less guilty of our deeds if we are able to provide the baba’s needs. They show us a short cut to spirituality. Listening to this clan is possible with electronic media; c.d. and seminars etc.modern babas have great marketing strategies to procure fame and following. as is the case in fund- raising business,baba products are also offered[some along with free side effects such as dysentery and lead poisoning] Babas are more popular than self help books because they say what we want to hear but do not adhere to. On more occasions than less of late, the baba turns out to be the head of a sex racket, money scam or a murderer leaving the bhakt to crawl to another baba lest he loses his religion. Eloquent orators do not make gods because all they do is give you the message of God. They are a medium, follow the thought they speak of, not them. Worship the work they talk about, not them. We have enough gods, saints and holy spirits who have left us with more teachings about good and godly things that we can follow for a million lifetimes. We do not need another God.
Be your own guru aur ho jaa shuru, start God’s work today.

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