Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pessimists would say that whensoever our town makes it to the national news headlines, it is inadvertently for the wrong reasons. Be it plague, floods or the heinous, audacious sexual assault on a minor, last Friday.
True blue Surtis on the other hand, however, will look right back into the eye of pessimists and answer, that we Surtis are valiant enough to turn around the worst situation and come out ,shining as victors. After the plague we went on to become one of India’s cleanest city, after the floods, we emerged as the fastest growing city in the world. After initial shock, numbness and anger post the dastardly, cowardly act of three of the most inhuman, spineless monsters, denizens of Tapi town have decided enough is enough and pledged to make it the safest town in the world.

If there is one family that our town owes to and owes it big time, it is the stalwarts who have shown great valour to bring the culprits to book. In a situation where most others would have spent all savings to hush up the state of affairs, these brave Surtis took a small, tough step towards justice and a giant step towards the benefit of all citizens.

Look how the intrepid action of this fearless family, turned things around. The scheming scoundrels had threatened in the name of law, now that very law is on the side of their prey, the impudent idiots had scared to blackmail with an electronic tool, now that very clipping is the weapon against them; the rapacious rascals thought this was about power play, now they grovel for cover, trembling in terror.

Never has Surat bared its fangs more angrily than it has in the past few days. We might be famous for our ‘chalya karey’’attitude but try and rub us the wrong way and you have had it. Surtis are proud of their town and their culture, they have good faith in their children and they treat the city as their extended home. If the lawmakers cannot provide that safety to the citizens, it’s a shame on them.

A word here to people who pass callous statements to sensationalize the incident, shut your eyes and imagine your daughter/sister there that should be enough to shut you up.

A request here to the politicians, from the public that elects them; kindly leave out trying to assault our sensibilities by trying to politicise this issue. Surtis stand united as one against these unpardonable criminals.

A demand here from the judicial system, let law take its course, but we want justice and we want it fast.

A gentle, tender message to the daughter of Tapi town-
Dearest child,
Bravo! We Surtis salute you. Had it not been for the strength you have shown, many more children would have been harmed. We are so proud of you. There was a time when we grew up here, carefree and dauntless, that changed with time, unfortunately, but your fearless footsteps will now once again make sure that Surat is a safe haven and no ugly men with uglier minds can ever change that. Whatever happened was NOT your fault. Do not let it crush your spirit, ever. You are our pride. Hold your head high and take good care of yourself. Peace be with you and your family, always.

1 comment:

  1. right you are - it is a welcome change in attitude from 'chalta hai' to 'ab bas'; just hoping the steps are taken in the right direction and taken DAMN FAST.

    in such a sensitive issue, the people who rush in to take an undue advantage or sensationalize/ politicize it are equally at fault. many a times, the spirit of the cause is sidelined when such stooges or scavengers step in. they should be repreminded to bar such a thing..
