Sunday, January 4, 2009

It’s a new day in the New Year and in these times of worldwide recession that has turned us all into fiscal underachievers, Surtis might look at the option of cost cutting as a New Year resolution.
On a normal Sunday, aam Surti janta would ride out towards Dumas- the ditch of the Arabian Sea, then, after a session of bhutta, bhajiya and narial paani, come back into the suburbs to catch a movie at the multiplex and dine out at the road side stalls or restuarants.Later, maybe catch coffee and dessert at a cafe. Down the years, this has been the routine of most Surtis. This means your average, yuppie Surti family of four spends about Rs.1200-1500 [inclusive of petrol] on a Sunday. Plus, if they were to shop for clothes, shoes etc.The amount would automatically increase two fold or more.

Well, well, well, dearies, with the global meltdown, all this is about to change since extra trimmings are going to affect extra expenses that are avoidable. So, let’s discover the unexpected pleasure of being smart about money once more. Here is a’ muft ka gyan ‘guide for fun loving Surtis to live well, spend less.

Since a lot of fathers in Surat are ‘Sunday papas’, meaning they spend time with family only on Sundays, there is never a better reason to be at home. If you prefer some fresh air, you could take the family for a walk to a park nearby, go jay walking in deserted by lanes or walk it up to the wholesale grocery store and stack the pantry with discounted goods of basic necessity for the month. Thus, reduce unnecessary purchases as well as waste of pollution causing petrol. Visit a museum, temple, library or any other public place within the comfort of your walking zone.

Be your own restaurant. You can eat like a prince at pauper’s prices if you turn into a frugal gourmet and cook up yum food at home, together. It can be anything from grandma’s best recipe paratha or a salad, pasta platter or even mirchi bhajiyas and onion rings or chicken wings. Good, clean, fun! Not to mention a much healthier option than street/restaurant food. Get the kids to lay out the table to a theme and add a bunch of fresh flowers from the garden as you light up that candle from last Diwali.

Convert your drawing room into your movie theatre. Rent a DVD. of movies you have been forever planning to watch but never got around to do so. Watch it with hot corn popped at home as you sip a foamy hand beaten espresso in your favourite mug. A good time, to listen out to those long bought surround sound effects speakers.

Fall back in love with everything you already own but never ended up using. Stuff like electronic games, upload your I-pod, burn c.d.’s on the puter, try out unused make up and dress up in outfits that remain hanging, as they await a special occassion.Spruce up your old clothes by mix and match options. Use long bought accessories, style hair and nails at home.

Spa at home. Give romance a new twist as you exchange facials, massage and pedicure treatments with the love of your life. Read out books to each other, dance and sing out to MTV, play Scrabble allowing only terms of endearment. Turn on your imagination to make all things fun.

The sting is worldwide, but we will heal quickly and we will heal well if we learn how to deal with it for a few Rupees less.

TAPI TOWN TATTLE-What is Pakistan’s favourite Indian advertisement? ‘Kyaa saboot hai?’

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