Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cinema has always been a favourite fantasy for Surtis. Way back in the 1960’s, some would actually travel to Mumbai every weekend to watch the latest flick; a ‘propah’ theatre experience!

As times changed, Surtis watched versions of Bond series and Dino movies dubbed into Hindi at upgraded theatres. Present day, in the age of multiplexes, we now have the opportunity to watch an original English movie which is released through the country.

I have noticed that the first 4 days of the release runs houseful shows so we may be rest assured that this trend will survive, provided Hollywood lives up to the average Surti’s expectations.

This is not the first time our generation is experiencing Hollywood in town though. In the 1970’s, just on the other side of Hope Pul, there came up a theatre called Sheetal cinema. It was the only movie hall on the other side of the bridge. A fair ground beside it, held the Ponk festival, seasonally. Till date, our king green millet is roasted in this vicinity.

Sheetal was amongst the first few in its league that provided air conditioning, not to mention the only one that showed English cinema. Every fortnight, would be much awaited by Surtis to visit this dream box for a new movie. Blue Lagoon, Alien, Star Wars, 36 chambers of Shaolin were all experienced by Surtis within the city limits.

The trip to Sheetal cinema was an experience in itself. One would travel by the famous amphitheatre-Rangupvan, inaugurated by Jawaharlal Nehru, pass Gandhi Baugh that was the exotic Rani Baugh during the Mughal rule, to reach the Chowk, a place that simultaneously provides vision of Mughal [killa-fort], English [Navinchand library] and Persian [j.j. training school;] architecture; cross Hope pool, over the then perennial Tapti and there it was, facing Bapunagar slums.

At the foot of the short staircase that led to up to the hall’s entrance, would stand a blackboard. For the convenience of Surtis who studied vernacular language, the entire plot of the movie that was playing, would be hand written in Gujarati. This superb marketing strategy assured packed stalls even for serious movies like The Verdict. Locals would excitedly flock the same and loudly read out the story together. The movie would have a title in Ginglish as well. I remember 20,000 leagues under the sea being called ‘samundar ma adventure’!

The stairs led one to the first level for the stalls and to the second for balcony. All along the walls, aluminum framed glass show cases displayed the next change in form of posters .At first look we kids could gather whether we would be allowed to watch the same or not. Although Sheetal Cinema had no issues with U/A, our granddad certainly did. Unfortunately, inflation and video piracy devoured this hall of Hollywood.

The SMC is gearing up to relocate Bapunagar slums by the Tapti and make a river side promenade soon, to enhance the beauty of our city; as well as pull down the old Hope Pul. Sheetal cinema now resurrected, stands on prime property, will be facing one of the most modern structures in our city .Though it no more shows Hollywood movies, surviving with b-grade Hindi ones; it still is the only theatre that stands on the yonder side of the Sun God’s daughter in Surat that offers the common man a ticket to a dream world………after all that’s what cinema is all about, isn’t it?

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