Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The world famous, perennially snow capped, highest mountain of the Alps is shivering with fear of threatened existence. Not because of Global warming [at least for now] but because the Surtis are calling products named after it –Mount Blank! Jokes apart, it is nice to see that the finest writing instruments from Mont Blanc are now accessible in town. Thanks to the Mall mania, Lalas need not wait to visit Joon in New York, Smythson’s in London or Zaveri Bros. Mumbai for the same.

Among earliest Surti stationers were the vendors wandering around Chautapul ,selling chalks and slate pens; their descendents still do .In the 1950’s owning a Pratap pen was as good as it could get for Surti students.’ Swan’ was overpowered in prestige, only by ‘Brahmam’ a 14 carat gold nib, ink pen manufactured in Madras if you please. Being gifted a’ Reform ‘or ‘Tiku’ by visiting rich relatives would turn the event into the talk of the then small town. ‘Senator’ sustained the70’s. Ball point tip pens were then a big no-no for students since they were notorious to spoil handwriting. So when the Luxor micro tip pen was introduced to Tapi town in the early 80’s it was the biggest hit since Sholay!
Navin pen mart at Lalgate pioneered selling fancy pen ware. In absence of computers, account books and registers sold like hot cakes and selling stationery along with them, made Kagzi brothers at Limda Chowk, Popular book store Tower road, Modern in Sagrampura and Athwa General Store at Athwalines dream destinations for the same.

A visit to even the most modest of stationery shops in Surat these days has a different story to tell. As one enters, there is a grand welcome with an array of bouquets of multi coloured pens set row wise in jars. Some Surti stores tease and tempt offering limited and unlimited editions from Parker, Schaeffer, Caran’d ache, Pelikan, Cross pens. Lamy, Waterman, Cartier and Dupont now visit town on order.
Surti mommies upgrade their kid’s stuff on a monthly basis. The Alphabet eraser with a translucent green head has been bid adieu I notice, replaced by Big Mac and cricket kit replicas in the name of erasers. Steadler, Crayola, Faber Castell are household names now, for lead and colour options. The good old geometry set box is a goner too, now we have fancy cases with four compartments. Kids in town casually use files, punch machines and staplers from Korea, binders, sticker charts, 3-d scales from China, aromatic hand made paper from Jaipur. In times where Black boards have turned white, chalks and slate pens are the only ones that have retained their authentic colours and flavours swear the chalk munching junkies!
What disheartens one is the fact that when the world’s best instruments for writing are now easily available to us, penmanship unfortunately is dying an untimely death. Around the globe, both male and female prefer e-mails; lap tops have replaced letter pads.’ The Grid’ is set to become the future of text technology. Mobile Short Message Service causes Hara-kiri of the text, daily making Wren and Martin tremble. As we proceed towards a paperless phenomenon, stationery has become just that-stationary. Pens are pocketed as fashion, Paper is used for packaging and books are procured more as décor than for records. Though our budget for these has amazingly increased, our usage of the same has drastically decreased. Changing times have ‘nanonized’ our form of communication; let’s pray pen and paper will always be around. Hope, Chautapul’s ‘Chalk de!’Chapter never closes with a ‘chuck de!’ by the Generation next, of Tapi town.

1 comment:

  1. Surat India : Surat, India is believed to be where India is really shining the most and this is almost true in every sense of the word. Every woman who loves jewellery in India knows that the best diamonds come from this city of Gujarat. Surat also produces most of the synthetic textiles and fabricated fibre produced in India. After Mumbai, Surat remains one of the major business hubs of the country. If diamonds do not excite you enough, Surat has a lot of ethnic culture and historical importance and therefore serves as an enjoyable sightseeing and tourism spot to visit.
    Some Facts: Located near the river Tapti, Surat has lovely beaches, used to be a famous port, and is about 327 kilometres wide. The best time to visit the city will be during the months of October to March. Though the climate can be extreme in summer and winter, the city also has a good monsoon season. Today, the population of Surat, India is around four million people, and is increasingly becoming a good choice if Mumbai is unaffordable to settle in. As real estate, investment values soar with its relative proximity to the city of Mumbai, which is 240 kilometres away.
    Diamond cutting: It is just amazing to know that though India does not produce almost any diamonds these days the city of Surat alone manages to capture three-fourth of the diamond cutting and polishing business of the entire world. So how did this come about and why? Legends are rife with tales of a Surat trader having returned to India from Africa with a boatload of diamond cutting artisans. Since then the craft has permeated into the lives of the people of Surat who have generations of families cutting and polishing diamonds. Nowadays, even the biggest of diamonds are cut and polished in Surat – such is the reputation the city’s artisans have earned world over.
    Business: Surat is the second largest city of the state of Gujarat in western India and boasts of the finest artisans of the country and perhaps even the world. This city is also the ninth largest city in India and has an equally flourishing textile business. A nerve centre for large businesses, the city has flourished and thrived for long. Today, Surat is a clean city following Chandigarh after the pneumonic plague outbreak got it into trouble. The city took pains to eradicate problems of uncleanliness, which caused the outbreak in the first place. Most businesses here are family run and thrive on communal trust more than written contracts.
    Textile Industry: The textile sector has put Surat, India on the world map of synthetic textile manufacturing. They say that one out of every five saris manufactured in India comes from Surat. The city has a wide range for every kind of person and is a shopping hot spot during weddings and festival seasons for the people of India. The city of Surat is famous as an industrial focal point for synthetic fibre and other manufactured textiles. Big corporate giants like the Reliance group have several factories producing synthetic fibre in Surat, India. Beautiful material with intricate prints and designs produced here for the country’s consumption is of the highest quality.
    Festivals: Gujarat by itself is a cultural land with distinct traditions and festivals and total number of 3500 festivals goes on in different parts of the state. The International Kite Festival happens on 14 January all over Gujarat and the people of Surat celebrate on the banks of the river Tapti. Women in traditional ghagra-cholis swivelling in unison are a remarkable sight and you may even catch this at a local temple on any normal day. Navrathri is the biggest festival and the most colourful festival of all of Gujarat. Dandia and Garbha played by traditional exponents is a visual treat for anyone. The festival season is the best time to catch the Gujarati folk drama Bhavai.
    People and Food: Hindus, Muslims, Jains, Parsees and Christians make Surat a multi-cultural city and people have for decades coexisted here harmoniously mainly due to the influence of Gandhiji. Each religious group adds to the diversity of the people here and yet Surat has had to deal with communal violence twice. However, the cuisine here has a lot to offer. Surat is famous for Surti Undhiyu and Ponk, which is roasted millet - a speciality here. Surti cuisine by itself is not sweet, as is the general belief about Gujarati food, and in fact, is on the spicier side in taste. A sumptuous thali with tumblers of chaas or buttermilk is the perfect lunch here.
    Export: Surat, India earns a huge amount of export revenue to the country with the diamond business alone clocking $8 billion each year. The textile industry had exported 7,600 crore rupees worth of goods in the year 2007. If the allied industries of dyeing, printing, chemicals, power looms, packaging and processing units’ revenue are considered then the total export revenue is likely to swell further. Surat, also provides huge amount of employment to hundreds of thousands of people both in the diamond and the textile manufacturing industries put together. All these factors make the city of Surat a very important city of the country.
    Resilience: Surat, India has survived floods, plague and even communal riots between Hindus and Muslims. The pneumonic plague brought world attention to Surat, India though it was contained within a week and surprisingly only 47 people lost their lives. The 2006 floods caused so many deaths, devastation, and fears of the plague cropping up again. Communal violence probably was the worst crisis the state of Gujarat has seen. With industrial success, that rivals most other states in the country and great cultural and natural beauty Surat, India shines like the diamonds it polishes and prepares for the finest jewellery for the whole world. Surat – is indeed
