Saturday, January 26, 2008

Remember the beautiful brown bench in the middle of a lovely garden, in the movie Notting Hill? Ahh! ‘THE’ most romantic place on Earth where William Thacker reads out’ Captain Correli’s Mandolin’ to Anna Scott while the inimitable Ronan Keating hums,’you say it best, when you say nothing at all’-in the background .Well, one would have to travel to Perth, Australia to have the pleasure of sitting on,’ June’s bench from Joseph’.
How about the bench in front of the Taj Mahal, built for Mumtaz, that has been on the wish list of every celebrity couple and recently part of the Bruni-Sarkozy travel struggle?
Makes you want to celebrate St.Valentine’s day in a ‘novel’ new way? Since Surtis generally hit the streets to celebrate anything and everything, let’s take a look at what chances we Surtis have to find a ‘private public place’ in Tapi town where one can read out to a loved one……….
The poolside of Officer’s Gymkhana, next to the Circuit House at Chowpatty.Built on upper level, open to the sky; it overlooks the Tapi and has a divine view of the opposite shore where the birds fly to find their way home. This place is seldom visited by the members. It offers one of the best points in town, to watch the Sun set in the multi-hued, distant horizon.

The patch of sandy beach at Dumas [yes it exists!], opposite the statue of The Universal Mother. With feathery casuarinas, that sway to soothing, gentle breeze. Sea waves that come in flapping on the shore. This tranquil spot is like a scene from your most romantic dream destination. Truly, a little bit of Heaven on Earth.

The Shell Port, Hazira is sheer poetry by the magic of moonlight. Serenely spectacular, even as it’s endless lights dot the skyline. Perfect in every sense, also perhaps the only place in town where one can enjoy jaywalking. It looks out at the Arabian Sea under a blanket of stars that seem to shine the brightest here.

The quaint little garden at the Mount Carmel’s church, Makkaipul. The pious peace and privacy of this place works its magic. Amazingly, it manages to completely detach itself from the buzzing town that lies just on the other side of the hedge. In a class of its own, reminiscent of vintage era. Clean, green, bliss.

If you would rather be at home, no better place than the terrace to get away from domestic help and doorbells. Create an ambience with floating candles, fresh flowers and a barbecue. Take along your guitar, keyboard to strum and play out your favourite tunes together. Forget the bench and cuddle up on a mat spread out on the floor in true Surti style.

Wherever you decide to spend this anniversary of St.Valentine’s martyrdom, make sure you make it memorable for your precious one. Remember though, no dates at’ The Eiffel’, a la ‘Sleepless in Seattle’, since ours is a traffic island! Get going from today and pen down your own thoughts on a love note, which you can read out to your paramour’. Keep it original, so, ‘Quote no more cliché’s and watch out for the touché.’

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