Sunday, October 21, 2007


If you think this article is about the controversial advert.on telly these days, you are sadly mistaken, am not talking of the outrageous marketing strategy that some find scandalizing and others superb. I am talking about the big TOING that the surtis generate-------Tax, Octroi Income Not Given! Or rather as we surtis would put it, Tax, Octroi, Income No Ghotalo! TOING!
Tax returns filed this term were considerably low in number as usual and I am positive it had nothing to do with our lala lobby being confused about it .our average citizen [helped by his loyal lawyer] is intelligent enough to work his way around the law and pocket his’ bada TOING. What’s new????You will ask, it happens in all the cities small and big. Well dearies that is not the case in our hometown. We do things differently. Which now brings me to the
RAID? UPGRADE!!!!Factor…………..
Recently, a series of raids by officers of the Income Tax branch were conducted in the city which included an unending list of our famous doctors. Here is part of a conversation post the happening in the waiting room for patients and relatives,’ Tamara ketla thaya?80?bus, amaara na to 150 kidha’let me make it clear that they were not quoting the fees or percentage, they were conversing about the amount in crores of the rupees declared. The big deal about this is the manner in which our learned citizens reacted, almost taking pride in the fact while stating the declared figures of their medical supremos.The case is the same if you replace the doctors with any other leading professionals or businessmen. The idea of being raided is mostly seen as having made it big .If you have the taxman knock on your door; you know you have reached the top league for sure. It’s almost celebrated like a trend with people actually looking forward to the process and being well prepared to handle it .No more caught unawares, our biggies know to play this game and make the rules dance to their tunes. They know how to do their thing, by pulling up a few strings.’
Taxes have existed since the ancient times .Property and sales tax were known in ancient Rome. Even way back then, tariffs were favored over internal taxes as a source of revenue. Taxes have 3 main functions---1.To cover government spending2. To promote stable economic growth 3. To lessen inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth. In short it helps the government make life better for all the citizens.
WISE ADVICE,……….Dear responsible citizen of surat, Either VAT ki vaat mat lagao or if you would rather partially pocket your BIG TOING than pay it up, maybe you could use part of it for making life better for all surti citizens in one of the following ways……Adopt an .N.G.O.,Kalyan Kendra or Educational trust. Support it in cash and kind for a lifetime because annual cheques donated to commemorate deceased loved ones do not provide enough towards making a generation aware of AIDS,ENVIRONMENT ,HEALTH.etc.Most of the organizations we have lead a hand to mouth existence they need you and your BIG TOING. I definitely assure you, the amount they require will not burn a hole in your oversized pocket but it will make a world of a difference to them. You will be directly helping to create a better ambience around town for your children.
Benefit the society directly this way or from the government rules please do not sway,
Pay your taxes as you should, if not then be a Robinhood.Thus you may proudly, literally wash
Your dirty linen in public for the benefit of society.oops!!!!!!!seems like I am talking about the,’YEH TOH BADA TOING HAI!’

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